Canadian Municipality

A Canadian municipality chose Nakisa's org chart software to visualize SAP HCM data and turn it into actionable insights.

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Canadian municipality

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Business Benefits

Automated org chart generation through native SAP HCM integration, ensuring real-time data synchronization and accuracy. Enhanced data security and access control with granular permissions and SSO capabilities, safeguarding sensitive information. Improved HR insights via intuitive dashboards and filtering options, enabling data-driven decisions and better workforce management. Flexible org design capabilities for simulating and comparing reorganization scenarios, facilitating data-driven decision-making. Robust employee directory with dynamic search and export features, providing easy access to employee information and supporting HR processes.

One of the Canadian municipalities with approximately 4,000 employees chose Nakisa's workforce planning software to visualize SAP HCM data and turn it into actionable insights. Learn how they achieved this result in only 22 hours!

Challenges before Nakisa

Long ago, the municipality needed to produce organizational charts manually by extracting data from the payroll system on an as-needed basis. That’s why they implemented SAP HCM to streamline HR processes and ensure the accuracy of HR data. However, the organizational visualization and modeling functionality in SAP HCM was very limited and didn’t address the challenges the municipality faced. With constant growth and several reorganizations, the city administration needed a powerful, automated solution integrated with SAP HCM that would allow users to easily produce organizational charts, export HR data for other departments, and compare reorganization scenarios. Security of the data flow, granular permissions, and various filters were sine qua non-conditions for the city administration.

Pro Tip

Functionality required by the municipality:
  1. SAP HCM bidirectional integration;
  2. Automatic org chart generation based on the SAP HCM data with possible export to PDF, PowerPoint, PNG;
  3. Granular permissions and information security with SSO capabilities;
  4. Reliable employee directory with dynamic search;
  5. Future org change simulations and a possibility to compare scenarios;
  6. Intuitive user-friendly interface and configuration abilities.

Solutions provided by Nakisa's workforce planning software

1. Secure and accurate data integration with SAP HCM

Nakisa provided the municipality with native bidirectional integration with the SAP HCM data and guaranteed the accuracy and security of the data flow. With the integration, the city administration can push the SAP master data to Nakisa's software and write all the modeled changes back to SAP without any manual intervention. This ensured that the org chart remained synchronized, up-to-date, and error-free.

Here is how we guarantee the integration with SAP HCM:

2. Automated org chart visualization

The organization data in SAP HCM is not available in an easy-to-understand format. Visualizing organizational units, matrix structures, and location-based structures was difficult, leading to poorer data analysis. Nakisa enabled the municipality to automatically visualize the organizational chart. The tool offers the ability to review pre-set dashboards created by admin users or to create new dashboards with various filters if needed. Nakisa also provided the following features:

  1. Reporting lines visualization,
  2. DEI analysis to improve the diversity score,
  3. Span of control report and dashboard,
  4. PDF/PowerPoint/PNG export of the org chart for compliance purposes or internal workflow and many more.

Now HR teams can slice and dice data using various filters, easily create pre-made reports, and configure dashboards to their needs to get better, data-driven insights.

3. Granular permissions based on the role

The municipality needed to ensure that only individuals with relevant permissions could access sensitive data. To address this, Nakisa provided the client with Single Sign-On (SSO) integration with their identity provider server. Once users were authenticated, Nakisa assigned the correct roles to each user by mapping their groups and granting appropriate access rights.

By default, Nakisa offers ten pre-defined roles for both front-end and back-end (administrator) needs. If the city administration requires a role with specific permissions, we are ready to create it as needed.

4. Employee directory

The client sought a robust employee directory solution, and Nakisa proved to be the perfect choice. Employees can now search for various details, including employee information, department, role, skills, and more. Built on an innovative cloud-native infrastructure, Nakisa Workforce Planning is scalable and accessible to all employees simultaneously without issues.

Additionally, Nakisa enables employees to filter records based on criteria such as approaching retirement or experience level. These records can be exported in Excel format for further analysis or saved to favorites for quicker access.

6. Custom org chart configuration and intuitive interface

The city administration wanted to create a custom org chart displaying only managers for inclusion in the Annual Budget Binders. Nakisa provided an additional filter through configuration, allowing the client to generate these custom charts automatically. Along with this customization, the municipality benefited from Nakisa's user-friendly interface, ensuring ease of use for end-users.

5. Frequent and minor reorganizations of employee roles (i.e, organizational design)

The municipality also received the Org Design license to facilitate simple reorganizations of structures. With Nakisa, they can perform all reorganization activities in one place and receive immediate analytics updates on the financial impact. By simply dragging and dropping employees, positions, or organizational units, the municipality can now compare current and future states side-by-side and make data-driven decisions about the reorganization.

Results: rapid implementation and enhanced org chart capabilities for the Canadian Municipality

After just 20 hours of Nakisa implementation, the Canadian municipality gained essential org chart and org design functionality to address HR challenges more efficiently. With native bidirectional SAP HCM data integration, automated generation of org charts, an employee directory with robust dynamic search, and custom configuration, the client reduced manual work and achieved a comprehensive, accurate, and timely analysis of their organizational structure. Additionally, the municipality now has all the necessary tools to analyze, improve, and restructure its organizational structure as needed.

Looking for advanced organizational chart software?

Nakisa provides advanced org chart software tailored for large companies. Generate organizational charts quickly, visualizing and summarizing vast amounts of data in an easy-to-understand format, automatically populated by your ERP and HCM systems—eliminating the need for Excel, Visio, or PowerPoint. Access all the information needed to manage HR today and plan for the future of your organization. Plus, the Nakisa Org Chart is part of the Nakisa Workforce Planning Portfolio, which includes Nakisa Org Design for top-to-bottom scenario modeling and organizational design, and the Nakisa Strategic Workforce Planning for advanced analytics and headcount planning. Discover how you can further optimize your workforce planning with these integrated solutions or request a personalized demo.

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