Sync your HR Data with Nakisa and Workday integration
Unlock insights into Nakisa’s Workday integration. Get step by step instructions and best practices to navigate the...
Unlock insights into Nakisa’s Workday integration. Get step by step instructions and best practices to navigate the...
This guide and vendor scorecard assist you in navigating the workforce planning, organizational design, org chart, HR...
A Canadian municipality chose Nakisa HR Suite to visualize SAP HCM data and turn it into actionable...
We are proud to announce the start of our new initiative – the Nakisa “Office Hour” program...
Want to master organizational integration? Check out our new guide in video and text format! Our expert...
Join our roundtable discussion about the do's and don'ts of organizational integration! Our experts have 20+ years...
Explore why Nakisa has created a new generation of products on its cloud-native platform and discover the...
This milestone accomplishment signifies a significant enhancement in BCX's HR operations.
We will be able to enhance the visibility of the employee data and help Standard Bank Group...