Line of Business: |

We are pleased to welcome LAM Research, Teka Systems, and Tervita to the Nakisa family.


Lam Research Corporation is an American corporation headquartered in Silicon Valley. The organization engages in the design, manufacture, marketing, and service of semiconductor processing equipment. Lam Research chose to work with Nakisa Hanelly for the solution’s ability to provide global visualization and org design for their ongoing realignment initiatives. Using a single solution for HR operations also enables LAM Research to foster seamless integration between people, processes, and structures.

Teka Systems, a leading engineering and information technology company based in Switzerland, is owned by the Belgian organization Vihalco, and implements large-scale projects for manufacturing and metal industries. The company, which employs over 150 professionals, chose to work with Nakisa Hanelly because of the solution’s robust organizational design and business transformation capacities. Because the solution integrated seamlessly with their SuccessFactors ERP, Teka Systems were able to gain global visibility of their organization and streamline their HR operations.

Tervita is an energy and environmental waste company based in Alberta, Canada, with facilities and services in both Canada and the United States. Tervita, who were previously working with Excel to meet the latest compliance deadlines, chose Nakisa Lease Administration to centralize and streamline lease accounting portfolio. With over 870 contracts, the organization required a single, fully end-to-end lease accounting solution for both Lessee and Lessor accounting that could work across multiple currencies. Tervita selected Nakisa Lease Administration for its accounting excellence and to gain global visibility and control of their leasing assets.

About Nakisa

A global leader in enterprise business solutions for Organization Transformation and Accounting and Compliance, Nakisa delivers innovative, forward-thinking and robust human resource and financial management solutions that advance your business strategies.

Working with a global network of partners and as one of the few Solution Extension (SolEx) partners of SAP® since 2007, Nakisa serves 1000+ enterprise customers and over 4 million subscribers in 24 industries. Nakisa is proud to work with some of the world’s most renowned brands.

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Further Reading


Nakisa Workforce Planning

Nakisa Finance

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Nakisa HR suite

Nakisa Lease Administration