
Building Nakisa Real Estate

Discover the origins and evolution of Nakisa’s cloud-native commercial real estate management software, <a href="/products/commercial-real-estate-management-software/">Nakisa Real Estate</a>,...

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Nakisa Lease Administration R2 2020: What’s New?

The R2 2020 release of Nakisa Lease Administration introduces the Intercompany Asset Transfer functionality, enabling users to...

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Know Your Local GAAP: Accounting for Leases Under German GAAP Bilanzrechtsmodernisierungsgesetz...

Gain insights into the specific lease accounting guidelines under German GAAP, including the criteria for classifying leases...

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Understanding Fully Prepaid Leases

While their accounting may seem straightforward, fully prepaid leases pose unique operational considerations due to factors such...

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Cloud-Native Lessor Accounting: Streamline Lease Accounting and Compliance with Nakisa Lease...

This blog examines how Nakisa's lease accounting solution enables global organizations to efficiently manage leased-out assets, automate...

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Establishing Control in Lease Accounting and Lease Management During Turbulent Periods

This blog explores the critical lease accounting challenges companies face during turbulent periods and how a robust...

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Oil & Gas: Impairment of Leased Asset Considerations Under US GAAP

Learn more about the implications of ASC 842 lease accounting rules on impairment testing for oil and...

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GASB 87 Calculation and Accounting Example – Part 2

This post covers calculating the depreciation expense and lease liability amortization schedule under GASB 87 lease accounting....

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GASB 87 Calculation and Accounting – Part 1

The post walks through an example scenario to illustrate the first three steps for GASB 87 lease...

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📢IWMS Portfolio Launch Alert 📢 Watch our webinar to get a detailed demo of the brand-new Nakisa IWMS Product Portfolio


Nakisa HR suite

Nakisa Lease Administration


Nakisa Workforce Planning

Nakisa Finance